Monday, September 15, 2008

The leaves are turning yellow, the corn is just getting ripe...

..and it is definitely no longer summer. It makes me sad that the days are getting shorter and colder, but we still have a little while before winter is in full swing.

Oh, yes, in case anyone was wondering, that picture above was taken at a recent party at a friend's house. Someone found corn growing from someone's backyard into the back alley, picked it, and of course I just took a big bite. It was actually quite good :)

I've made a few more bento lunches since the last post, so I'll definitely post those soon!


Bianca said...

Cute picture! I've been dreading this time of year...because it means the tomatoes will go away. But I'm starting to warm up to the idea of pumpkin and winter squash. It always takes me a few weeks to adjust mentally to the seasonal changes.

this wheel's on fire said...

hi! just found your blog & i love it! i'm a vegan too :)

Peggy said...

Bianca- thanks! Yeah, it's indeed tough letting go of all the wonderful summer produce :(

this wheel's on fire- Thanks! I found your blog and it's so cool. And that is awesome, yay for veganism :D

Sheree' said...

Raw corn is the bomb! You go for it! Bento lunches make food even more fun!