Friday, April 13, 2007

Very Vegan Birthday

Today was my birthday (the big 1-5!) and it turned out pretty great.

From my family, I got some money and other usual things, BUT NOTABLY a bunch of great vegan cookbooks (like How it All Vegan and Vive le Vegan), a silicon teaming tray (woohoo!), and one of those Magic Bullet blenders from the infomercial. Wow, is it ever awesome! Seriously, I made some hummus in like 5 seconds. And, one of those awesome George Foreman indoor grills- but a cute mini one!

At school, we had a basketball pep rally, which was fun because we so beat the teachers. After, they had some pizza out and I almost threw up-it's so greasy and smells soooo disgusting- but toughed it out.

In any case, my birthday supper was delicious- and all vegan! We had a fava bean and carrot soup and kale, then my siblings also had some catellinni pasta.

BUT SERIOUSLY- fava beans are SO GOOD. How do those little (big?) guys pack so much flavour? They have that unique, woody, or almost mushroom-like flavour that is so. good.

And, kale is always delicious of course, even if it's just steamed.

Just now, my family finished watching Fast Food Nation- hopefully, the violent scene in the killing room was enough to convert them all to veganism.

I'm planning on doing somehting with my friends on the 27th- for dinner, it'll be a build-your-own pizza type of thing. Unfortunately, I'll have to provide meat and cheese for toppings. It really sucks that my friends have yet to accept my veganism, but I can live with this.

Anyways, this was just a quick & incoherent blog to vent out my HAPPINESS., as it was probably the best birthday yet. :D

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